Topic: Augmented Reality, sandbox

Craig Beals unveils his latest build - a sandbox like no other! The white sand acts as a projector screen and a topographic map image is projected on the surface. An XBOX Kinect is positioned to read the contours of the sand and draw new topographic lines according to how the sand is moved.

Topic: Augmented Reality, Virtual reality

what is VR and AR technological difference,invention ,and application, and their side affects,and advancements on user life using VR and AR devices.

Topic: Augmented Reality, Virtual reality

AR and VR are the latest technologies that enable students to experience the benefits of holistic thinking. See how Fujitsu’s products are at the forefront of AR and VR.

Topic: Augmented Reality, future

the internet’s most searched questions on Augmented Reality.

Topic: Augmented Reality, benefits

Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends right now, and it is only going to get bigger as AR ready smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world. Through AR technology users can interact with real world in real time.

Topic: Augmented Reality, education

Presentation on theme: "Augmented Reality for Learning English Words"

Topic: Augmented Reality, education

This PPT will help us to understand what is Augmented Reality (AR), What are the advantages and applications of AR in Education field.

AR101 Lecture - Introduction to Augmented Reality. Lecture providing an introduction to AR, the history of AR and some example applications. Presented by Mark Billinghurst at the AR101 summer school at the ISMAR 2016 conference, September 18th 2016.

Topic: Augmented reality

step-by-step how Augmented Reality works.

Topic: Augmented Reality, ExpeditionAR

Expeditions AR uses Google's Tango technology to map the physical classroom and place the 3D objects for students to observe and interact with.

Topic: Augmented Reality, unitear

Start using Augmented Reality for online classes, Augmented reality for education.

Topic: Augmented reality, mixed reality, virtual reality

AjnaLens is transforming education, leveraging the unparalleled ability that Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality provides to immersively captivate students of all ages. For the first time in a thousand years technology has come to a point where learning has become exciting in ways not possible with traditional books, pictures or even videos.

Topic: Augmented reality, draw, learn

Introducing SketchAR School is a fully-fledged tool for teaching drawing using augmented reality! The School is a section with a collection of different drawing lessons. The unique feature of the learning experience is the main function of the app itself, this being learning to use AR when drawing. This is done by following step by step guides and copying the lines.

SketchAR puts virtual images on paper to let you trace drawings from your phone.

Topic: Augmented reality, pokemon go

This is the Proof-of-concept demo presented today for Pokemon Go, running on an AR Headset, the Hololens 2 and develop by Niantic, the creators of Pokemon Go!

Topic: Augmented reality, ikea

IKEA Place is our new app that lets you virtually “place” IKEA products in your space. It’s a new way to experience IKEA, and it’s currently available on iPhone 6S and newer iPhones and iPads.

Topic: Augmented reality, location-based, gps

In this lesson, you will learn about the implementation of an AR application using GPS coordinates from three satellites without using an image marker or ground detection.